Participe do programa T&M 2025 – Hoeft Technology & Management em parceria com a Universidade de Illinois

Participe do T&M 2025 – The Hoeft Technology & Management Program, que será realizado em parceria com a University of Illinois.

A Campus B disponibilizará vagas para estudantes de graduação, fluentes em inglês e com disponibilidade para participar das atividades
conforme as datas descritas

Etapa Virtual:

  •     Datas: 11, 18 e 25 de fevereiro de 2025
  •     Duração: 90 minutos por sessão
  •     Dia: Terças-feiras
  •     Horário: A ser definido

Etapa Presencial:

  • Local: Rio de Janeiro
  •  Datas: 16, 20 e 21 de março de 2025


  • Experiência Multicultural: Trabalhar em grupos com estudantes internacionais da Universidade de Illinois.
  • Desenvolvimento de Soluções Sustentáveis: Resolver problemas reais propostos por uma empresa brasileira.
  • Certificação: Certificado emitido pela Campus B e University of Illinois.

Informações adicionais e inscrição:

  • Requisitos: Estudantes de graduação nas áreas de Humanas, Exatas e Engenharias, fluentes em inglês.
  • Inscrições: Preencher o formulário de inscrição. Clique aqui.
  • Prazo para Inscrição: Até_ 21 de janeiro de 2025_, às 23:59 horas.

Clique aqui para ler o informativo completo.

SGRI welcomes its new superintendent

With the recent appointment of Professor Roberto Medronho as rector of UFRJ, Papa Matar Ndiaye, professor at the School of Chemistry, was appointed as the new General Superintendent of International Relations at the university. He succeeds Professor Amaury Fernandes, a professor at the School of Communication who held the position during the term of the last rector.

In the last session of the Council on International Relations, held on June 4th, Papa was introduced by Professor Amaury as his successor. On this occasion, both Professor Amaury Fernandes, as a former superintendent, and Professor Jennifer Lowe, who is also leaving her position as Academic Coordinator of International Relations, were praised by the Council for the excellent service provided to the university. Professor Papa thanked Professor Amaury and Professor Jennifer for their work in structuring UFRJ’s International Office and for their availability and generosity.

The new superintendent

Professor Papa Matar, born in Senegal, holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Coppe’s Chemical Engineering program, and a PhD in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering from the School of Chemistry. Currently, he is a professor of the Graduate Program in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering at UFRJ and of the Chemical Engineering Program at COPPE.

Motion of thanks from SGRI team

The staff of our International Office (SGRI) is immensely grateful to professors Amaury Fernandes and Jennifer Lowe for the four years of cordiality and good service and warmly welcomes Professor Papa Matar, wishing him success during his term.

International Conference on Economics and Business Roads to Sustainability – University of Coimbra, Portugal

The Centre for Business and Economics Research (CeBER) is organizing the International Conference on Economics and Business Roads to Sustainability – ICEBRS – to be held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), Portugal, from June 29 until July 1, 2023.

This conference is part of FEUC’s 50th anniversary celebrations.

For further information please visit the conference’s website:

Join us and submit your abstract by February 28, 2023.